Ana Matilde Sousa

Ana Matilde Sousa is a visual artist and scholar from Lisbon. In 2012, she co-founded the Portuguese zine label Clube do Inferno and began creating manga-inspired “art comics” under the pseudonym Hetamoé. Since then, her works have been featured in alternative comic publishers and other venues both in Portugal and internationally, including Chili Com Carne (Portugal), Kunsthalle Lissabon (Portugal), Le Monde Diplomatique (Portuguese edition), kuš! (Latvia), Ediciones Valientes (Spain), Éditions Trip (Canada), the Anthropocene Curriculum (Germany), the Zupełnie Inny Świat magazine (Poland), Silent Army (Australia), and the Kuti magazine (Finland). In 2020, she co-founded the artist collective MASSACRE.

More recently, she began to experiment with themes related to history, science and technology, and the Anthropocene, in comics like Asbestos in Ambler (Anthropocene Curriculum, 2017), the graphic novel Einstein, Eddington and the Eclipse: Travel Impressions (Chili Com Carne, 2019), or her contribution to Kuti # 65 ‘Contemporary Portuguese Comics’, Welcome to the Anthrobscene, which uses images generated by artificial intelligence.

She presents and publishes articles on Japanese contemporary art and pop culture in classrooms, journals, and conferences. She holds a Ph.D. in Painting from the Faculty of Fine Arts of Lisbon and currently works there as an FCT Junior Researcher and teacher.

Ana Matilde Sousa é uma artista visual e estudante, de Lisboa.

Em 2012, co-fundou o selo de zines português Clube do Inferno e começou a criar “quadrinhos de arte” inspirados em mangás sob o pseudônimo de Hetamoé. Desde então, os seus trabalhos têm sido apresentados em editoras alternativas de banda desenhada e outros espaços nacionais e internacionais, incluindo Chili Com Carne (Portugal), Kunsthalle Lissabon (Portugal), Le Monde Diplomatique (edição portuguesa), kuš! (Letónia), Ediciones Valientes (Espanha), Éditions Trip (Canadá), Currículo Antropoceno (Alemanha), revista Zupełnie Inny Świat (Polónia), Silent Army (Austrália) e revista Kuti (Finlândia).

Em 2020, co-fundou o coletivo artístico MASSACRE.

Mais recentemente, passou a experimentar temas relacionados com História, Ciência e Tecnologia e ao Antropoceno, em banda desenhada como Asbestos in Ambler (Anthropocene Curriculum, 2017), a novela gráfica Einstein, Eddington and the Eclipse: Travel Impressions (Chili Com Carne, 2019), ou o seu contributo para Kuti #65 ‘Contemporary Portuguese Comics’, Welcome to the Anthrobscene, que utiliza imagens geradas por inteligência artificial.

Ana Matilde Sousa apresenta e publica artigos sobre arte contemporânea japonesa e cultura pop em salas de aula, jornais e conferências. Tem um Ph.D. em Pintura pela Faculdade de Belas-Artes de Lisboa, onde atualmente trabalha como Investigadora Júnior da FCT e docente.

Ana Matilde Sousa jest artystką wizualną i naukowcem z Lizbony. W 2012 współzałożyła niezależne wydawnictwo Clube do Inferno i, pod pseudonimem Hetamoé, zaczęła tworzyć komiksy inspirowane mangą. Jej prace prezentowane były w wielu niezależnych wydawnictwach komiksowych oraz w wielu innych kontekstach, zarówno w Portugalii jak i na świecie (między innymi w  Kanadzie, Australii i Hong Kongu). W 2020 współzałożyła kolektyw artystyczny MASSACRE i zaczęła eksperymentować z wątkami związanymi z historią, nauką i technologią. Ma stopień doktora uzyskany na Wydziale Sztuk Pięknych Uniwersytetu Lizbońskiego gdzie obecnie pracuje jako młodszy naukowiec Fundacji Nauki i Technologii (FCT) i wykładowca.

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